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Good Judgment® Open
Are you a Superforecaster®?
Join the internet's smartest crowd. Improve your forecasting skills and find out how you stack up.
Forecasting challenge sponsors — including, among others, UBS Asset Management, The Economist, and Harvard Kennedy School — invite you to anticipate the major political, economic, and technological events that will shape the world in the years to come.
Be sure to check out all of our active challenges, our featured questions, and our unfiltered list of all open forecasting questions.
About Us
Good Judgment Open is owned and operated by Good Judgment, a forecasting services firm that equips corporate, government, and non-governmental decision-makers with the benefit of foresight.
Good Judgment’s co-founder, Philip Tetlock, literally wrote the book on state-of-the-art crowd-sourced forecasting. Learn more about Good Judgment and the services it provides at goodjudgment.com.