Who will win Uganda's next presidential election?

Started Dec 22, 2015 06:00PM UTC
Closed Feb 18, 2016 07:59AM UTC

Sign up and enter your own forecast, to compete in The Economist's World in 2016 Challenge! Uganda's Yoweri Museveni is running for a fifth presidential term in an election scheduled for 18 February 2016, one of several elections in Africa next year that will test countries' commitments to democracy (The World in 2016, Reuters, Washington Post, New Vision). If a runoff is required, the end date of the question will be extended. Recommended Questions Will a member of the National League for Democracy (NLD) take office as president of Myanmar before April 2016?
Possible Answer Correct? Final Crowd Forecast
Yoweri Museveni 98%
Amama Mbabazi 1%
Kizza Besigye 1%
None of the above 0%

Crowd Forecast Profile

Participation Level
Number of Forecasters 473
Average for questions older than 6 months: 185
Number of Forecasts 879
Average for questions older than 6 months: 538
Participants in this question vs. all forecasters average

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Recent Consensus, Probability Over Time

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