Will the UN declare that a famine exists in any part of Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, or Uganda in 2020?

Started Mar 13, 2020 05:00PM
Closed Jan 1, 2021 08:01AM (4 years ago)

The spread of desert locusts in East Africa is testing an already food-insecure region (BBC, Foreign Policy, Food and Agriculture Organization). For general information on how famines are declared, see: Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, NPR.

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The question closed "No" with a closing date of 1 January 2021.

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Possible Answer Correct? Final Crowd Forecast
Yes 0%
No 100.00%

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Number of Forecasters 131
Average for questions older than 6 months: 180
Number of Forecasts 634
Average for questions older than 6 months: 527
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- - - Correct answer became the crowd's highest probability answer - Aug 1, 2020 2:02AM PDT (153 days before close, question was 48% complete)
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