The Economist, the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) and WBHumanoid ask:
Before 1 January 2022, will the United States Olympic Committee announce that it is boycotting the 2022 Winter Olympics?
Closed Jan 1, 2022 08:01AM (3 years ago)
Countries have boycotted the Olympics for various reasons throughout history (Montreal Gazette, Dept. of State, Some groups are calling on nations to boycott the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics due to China's treatment of its Uighur population (Economist, Daily Sabah, Politico,
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NOTE 24 May 2021: The question asks about an announcement by the United States Olympic Committee. Whether the US sends persons other than athletes (e.g., political dignitaries) is immaterial.
The question closed "No" with a closing date of 1 January 2022.
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No | 100.00% |
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