Will the EU lift visa requirements for Turkish citizens before July 2016?

Started May 10, 2016 05:00PM
Closed Jul 1, 2016 06:59AM (9 years ago)

This question resolved on 30 June 2016: The European Commission has stated that Turkey has failed to meet certain conditions required for visa liberalization, but talks will continue (The Guardian, Euronews, Politico). In a deal struck in March 2016, the EU agreed to lift visa requirements for Turkish citizens by the end of June if Turkey holds up its end of the deal on handling migrants and refugees and satisfies the conditions of visa liberalization (European Commission, Reuters, Financial Times). For more information on the visa requirements referenced in the agreement and the visa liberalization process for Turkey more generally see: European Commission. Recommended Questions: Before 2018, will it be officially announced that any state is withdrawing from the Schengen agreement? Will the European Union suspend any of Poland's membership rights in 2016?
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No 100.00%

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- - - Correct answer became the crowd's highest probability answer - May 10, 2016 11:41AM PDT (51 days before close, question was 0% complete)
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