The Wharton Future of Work Conference asks:

What percentage of US job postings on LinkedIn will be for either "Hybrid" and/or "Remote" positions on 1 March 2023?

Started Apr 06, 2022 04:00PM UTC
Closed Mar 01, 2023 08:01AM UTC

The outcome will be determined using LinkedIn's jobs search functionality at approximately 5:00PM ET on 1 March 2023 while logged in (LinkedIn). The percentage will be determined by first selecting only "Hybrid" and "Remote" under the 'On-site/Remote' option and click "Show ### results" to determine the numerator (results under "Jobs in United States"). Then, additionally select "On-site" and click "Show ### results" to determine the denominator (results under "Jobs in United States"). Do not set or populate any other parameters unless you are logging in from outside the US, in which case set "Where" to "United States." As of 25 March 2022, the total for "Hybrid" and/or "Remote" was 927,046, and the total for "Hybrid," "Remote," and/or "On-site" was 6,959,460, resulting in a quotient of 0.1332, or 13.32%.

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This question has been voided by an administrator and is no longer active.

While we tested the search return counts repeatedly from computers both within and outside of the US before the launch of this question, something has changed. Since launch, LinkedIn searches have been creating far different results for searchers outside the US versus searchers in the US using the same search criteria. Therefore, unfortunately, we must void the question.
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