&nbspThe Mack Institute asks

When will Tesla release a software update that adds off-ramp capabilities to its Autopilot system?

Started Aug 12, 2016 05:00PM UTC
Closed Sep 21, 2016 05:00PM UTC

This question was closed on answer option "a) Before 1 November 2016" with an end date of 21 September 2016. Tesla released its 8.0 software update on 21 September 2016 and that update included off ramp capabilities (CNET, Jalopnik, Autoweek, Business Insider). Tesla’s Autopilot system, released via an over-the-air (OTA) software update in October 2015, is a major advance towards self-driving technology providing drivers with semi-autonomous drive and parking capabilities (Tesla). However, a fatal crash in Florida in May 2016 when a Tesla was in Autopilot mode and two other crashes in Montana and Pennsylvania have prompted consumer advocates to call on Tesla to reconsider its approach towards self-driving technology and make significant changes to its Autopilot system. They are also advocating regulatory oversight over the launch of self-driving features to ensure consumer safety (Consumer Reports). Tesla insists on the safety of the Autopilot system and plans to introduce new features and enhancements (CBS SF Bay Area, CNN Money). A Tesla 8.0 software update is currently in beta, and is rumored to include a new Autopilot feature that allows the car to exit the highway onto an off-ramp after the driver activates the turn signal (electrek). On 12 September 2016, the answer options to this question were corrected. Recommended Questions Will Tesla Motors deliver more than 80,000 BEVs to customers in calendar year 2016? Will the 2016 industry-wide average cost of Li-on batteries used in battery-powered electric vehicles be less than $300 per kWh? Between 12 August 2016 and the end of 2016, will any US state enact legislation that allows autonomous vehicles to operate on its public roads?
Possible Answer Correct? Final Crowd Forecast
Before 1 November 2016 97%
Between 1 November 2016 and 31 December 2016, inclusive 3%
Not before 1 January 2017 0%

Crowd Forecast Profile

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Number of Forecasters 118
Average for questions older than 6 months: 186
Number of Forecasts 268
Average for questions older than 6 months: 539
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