Will the IAEA conduct an on-site inspection of the Parchin military complex in Iran before the end of the year?

Started Sep 14, 2015 08:00PM
Closed Sep 21, 2015 06:59AM (9 years ago)

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action stipulates that the IAEA will investigate possible military dimensions of Iran's nuclear program, including research conducted at the Parchin military complex. Many argue that in-person, on-site inspections are vital and that video inspections or involvement in post-inspection analyses is not sufficient (www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-08-06/iran-dismisses-reports-of-cleanup-at-parchin-military-complex , http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/22/world/middleeast/prospect-of-self-inspections-by-iran-feeds-opposition-to-nuclear-deal.html ).
Possible Answer Correct? Final Crowd Forecast
Yes 45.00%
No 55.00%

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