What will be the total domestic box office gross in 2024?

Started Dec 22, 2023 06:00PM UTC
Closing Jan 01, 2025 08:01AM UTC

With several film projects delayed from 2024 to 2025 due to the writers and actors strikes in 2023, the industry is bracing for subdued theater box office totals in 2024 (Hollywood Reporter, Collider). The question will be suspended on 31 December 2024 and the outcome determined using Domestic Yearly Box Office data as reported by Box Office Mojo once nonestimate data are available for the full 2024 calendar year (Box Office Mojo). As of the launch of this question, Box Office Mojo reported the total Domestic Yearly Box Office for 2022 as $7,369,505,492.

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Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours Change in last week Change in last month
Less than $6.7 billion 0% -0.10% -0.20% -3.50%
Between $6.7 billion and $7.3 billion, inclusive 3.50% +0.10% -0.50% -16.00%
More than $7.3 billion but less than $7.9 billion 27.60% +0.10% -3.10% -3.90%
Between $7.9 billion and $8.5 billion, inclusive 52.90% 0% +6.70% +18.20%
More than $8.5 billion but less than $9.1 billion 11.00% 0% -2.80% +1.20%
Between $9.1 billion and $9.7 billion, inclusive 4.00% -0.10% -0.10% +3.20%
More than $9.7 billion 1.00% 0% 0% +0.80%

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