Zauchka asks:

Will Valery Gerasimov cease to be the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces before 5 November 2024?

Started May 17, 2024 05:00PM UTC
Closing Nov 05, 2024 08:01AM UTC

Russian President Vladimir Putin replaced Sergei Shoigu as defense minister and appointed Andrei Belousov, a civilian economist, as his replacement (CNN). At the same time, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov noted that General Valery Gerasimov will continue as the Chief of the General Staff (AP).

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Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours Change in last week Change in last month
Yes 46.20% 0% -8.27% -19.36%
No 53.80% 0% +8.27% +19.36%

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