When will Kimberly Cheatle either cease to be the Director of the US Secret Service or announce her retirement or resignation?

Started Jul 15, 2024 08:00PM UTC
Closed Jul 23, 2024 02:30PM UTC

The Secret Service is under scrutiny after a failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally on 13 July 2024 (CNN, Axios, The Hill). The date an announced retirement or resignation will take effect is immaterial so long as a specific time period is mentioned (e.g., 20 December 2024, "by the end of the month," "after the election").

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The question closed "Before 19 August 2024" with a closing date of 23 July 2024.

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Possible Answer Correct? Final Crowd Forecast
Before 19 August 2024 62%
Between 19 August 2024 and 20 September 2024 11%
Between 21 September 2024 and 4 November 2024 6%
Not before 5 November 2024 21%

Crowd Forecast Profile

Participation Level
Number of Forecasters 53
Average for questions in their first 3 months: 139
Number of Forecasts 115
Average for questions in their first 3 months: 315
Participants in this question vs. all forecasters average

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