Before 21 September 2024, will the Supreme Court grant either a stay or injunctive relief against the State of New York related to the state's conviction or sentencing of Donald Trump?

Started Jul 18, 2024 07:00PM UTC
Closed Aug 05, 2024 06:30PM UTC

On 3 July 2024, Missouri filed a lawsuit with the US Supreme Court against New York for "violating Missourians’ First Amendment right to hear from a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election" (Missouri Attorney General, The Hill, Supreme Court Docket - Missouri v. New York). On 12 July 2024, the Supreme Court gave New York until 24 July 2024 to file responses (Supreme Court Order - 12 July 2024). A stay or any form of injunction will count, including as to gag orders (Cornell - Stay, Cornell - Injunction). The question will close early if the Supreme Court denies Missouri's motion for a bill of complaint or otherwise dismisses the proceedings initiated by Missouri ( - US Constitution Article III, §2, Clause 1 Annotated).

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The question closed "No" with a closing date of 5 August 2024.

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Yes 31%
No 69%

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Number of Forecasts 64
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