Vasu-Tripathi asks:

What will the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) propose as the renewable volume obligation (RVO) for biomass-based diesel fuel in 2026?

Started Jul 19, 2024 05:00PM UTC
Closing Apr 05, 2025 07:01AM UTC

Biofuel market participants are lobbying the EPA to increase the biomass-based diesel RVO for 2026 to a "robust" level that would support industry growth (Biodiesel Magazine, Biomass Magazine). The EPA reportedly plans on publishing a proposed rule by March 2025 (PA Petroleum Organization). On 12 July 2023, the EPA published a final rule establishing various biofuel volume requirements for 2023 through 2025 pursuant to the Clean Air Act (Federal Register, see Table I.A.1-1, EPA, Energy Information Administration). The question will close upon a proposed rule being published by the EPA in the Federal Register (Federal Register - EPA).

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Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours Change in last week Change in last month
Less than 3.10 billion gallons 0.50% 0% 0% +0.20%
At least 3.10 billion gallons, but less than 3.35 billion gallons 1.00% 0% 0% -0.20%
At least 3.35 billion gallons, but less than 3.60 billion gallons 4.50% 0% -0.30% +0.80%
At least 3.60 billion gallons, but less than 3.85 billion gallons 17.80% 0% -2.20% +2.40%
At least 3.85 billion gallons, but less than 4.10 billion gallons 40.30% 0% -2.80% +1.80%
At least 4.10 billion gallons, but less than 4.35 billion gallons 17.00% 0% -0.50% +1.00%
At least 4.35 billion gallons, but less than 4.60 billion gallons 7.10% 0% +2.50% +1.10%
4.60 billion gallons or more 5.30% 0% +2.20% -4.30%
A proposed rule will not be published in the Federal Register before 5 April 2025 6.50% 0% +1.10% -2.80%

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