Jayce asks:

Which baseball team will win the 2024 MLB World Series?

Started Jul 26, 2024 05:00PM UTC
Closing Nov 02, 2024 07:01AM UTC

The 2024 Major League Baseball (MLB) regular season is scheduled to end on 29 September 2024, with the playoffs to follow (MLB).

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Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours Change in last week Change in last month
Atlanta Braves 12.00% 0% +9.70% +8.20%
Baltimore Orioles 6.00% -1.00% -3.70% -6.50%
Cleveland Guardians 7.00% +1.00% +1.40% -2.40%
Houston Astros 5.00% +2.00% +0.50% +0.80%
Los Angeles Dodgers 28.00% -3.00% -10.00% +7.90%
Milwaukee Brewers 5.00% +1.00% +1.00% +0.30%
Minnesota Twins 1.00% 0% -0.50% -1.90%
New York Yankees 15.00% +1.00% +3.50% +1.80%
Philadelphia Phillies 12.00% -1.00% -2.50% -5.40%
Seattle Mariners 0% 0% -0.40% -2.70%
Another team 9.00% 0% +1.00% -0.10%

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