What will Kamala Harris' favorability rating be as of 4 October 2024, according to FiveThirtyEight?

Started Aug 02, 2024 05:00PM UTC
Closing Oct 04, 2024 07:01AM UTC

The question will be suspended on 3 October 2024 and the outcome determined using chart data provided on FiveThirtyEight's "Do Americans have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Kamala Harris?" page (FiveThirtyEight). As of the launch of this question, Harris' favorability rating on 26 July 2024 was 40.6%. The data for 4 October 2024 will be accessed for resolution at approximately 5:00PM ET on 9 October 2024.

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Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours Change in last week Change in last month
Lower than 38.0% 0.54% -0.46% +0.54% +0.25%
At least 38.0%, but less than 40.0% 0.71% -0.29% +0.71% -0.62%
At least 40.0%, but less than 42.0% 1.25% +0.25% -3.75% -4.92%
At least 42.0%, but less than 44.0% 4.18% -1.82% -2.82% -15.65%
At least 44.0%, but less than 46.0% 22.11% -0.89% -2.89% -12.89%
At least 46.0%, but less than 48.0% 59.14% +6.14% +12.14% +41.22%
At least 48.0%, but less than 50.0% 10.07% -2.93% -3.93% -4.14%
At least 50.0%, but less than 52.0% 1.64% -0.36% -0.36% -2.49%
52.0% or higher 0.36% +0.36% +0.36% -0.77%

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