Will the Federal Reserve announce a reduction in the upper limit of the Federal Reserve's target range for the federal funds rate before close of business on 18 September 2024?

Started Aug 12, 2024 03:30PM UTC
Closing Sep 18, 2024 07:01AM UTC

Expectations for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates in the near future have risen as inflation and the US labor market have cooled (AP, US News & World Report, NY Post). Conditional announcements (e.g., if the labor market deteriorates, if inflation falls) would not count, and the date a cut would take effect is immaterial. The last time the Federal Reserve announced a cut to the US federal funds target range was 15 March 2020 (Federal Reserve).

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Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours Change in last week Change in last month
Yes, a reduction of 0.25% or less 77.00% -5.00% 0% 0%
Yes, a reduction of more than 0.25%, but no more than 0.50% 21.00% +5.00% +2.00% +7.00%
Yes, a reduction of more than 0.50% 0% 0% -1.00% -2.00%
No 2.00% 0% -1.00% -5.00%

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