Which college football team will win the Big Ten Conference Championship in the 2024 season?

Started Sep 06, 2024 05:00PM UTC
Closing Dec 07, 2024 08:01AM UTC

The Big Ten Conference, now with 18 teams, dispensed with setting divisions for the 2024 college football season (NBC News). The outcome will be determined using the standings and results as reported by the Big Ten (Big Ten - Standings). The Big Ten Championship game is scheduled for 7 December 2024 in Indianapolis, Indiana (Lucas Oil Stadium).

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Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours Change in last week
Iowa 0.20% 0% -0.50%
Michigan 13.20% -1.80% +11.20%
Nebraska 0.50% +0.20% -1.30%
Ohio State 74.00% -1.70% +21.90%
Oregon 5.90% +2.80% -8.90%
Penn State 3.70% +0.20% -12.60%
University of Southern California (USC) 2.40% +0.30% -5.90%
Wisconsin 0% 0% -0.30%
Another team 0.10% 0% -3.60%

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