In State of Utah v. US, will the Supreme Court allow Utah to sue the federal government to transfer unappropriated federal land to state control?

Started Sep 13, 2024 05:00PM UTC
Closing Jul 01, 2025 07:01AM UTC

In August 2024, Utah filed a motion with the Supreme Court to hear its claim in the first instance (i.e., exercising original jurisdiction) against the federal government that it is illegally controlling approximately 18.5 million acres of land in the state, an area roughly the size of South Carolina (AP, Utah Attorney General, Field and Stream, Cornell - Original Jurisdiction). The Supreme Court will be considered to have allowed Utah to sue upon granting Utah's motion for leave to file a bill of complaint (Supreme Court - Motion for Leave to File Bill of Complaint, Supreme Court Docket - Utah v. US). The Supreme Court is expected to hand down its ruling on the motion in its 2024 term, but if it does not, the question will close as "No."

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Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours
Yes 37.57% +11.22%
No 62.43% -11.22%

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