Which team will win the English Premier League for the 2024-25 season?

Started Sep 13, 2024 05:00PM UTC
Closing May 25, 2025 07:01AM UTC

The Premier League is the highest level of professional soccer (football) in England and Wales (Premier League, Premier League - Standings/Tables). The final matches of the season (Premier League doesn't use a playoff system) are scheduled for 25 May 2025 (Premier League - News).

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Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours
Arsenal 26.00% +1.00%
Chelsea 3.00% 0%
Liverpool 10.00% -1.00%
Manchester City 55.00% +5.00%
Newcastle 1.00% 0%
Tottenham Hotspur 1.00% 0%
Another team 4.00% -5.00%

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