Between 19 September 2024 and 7 November 2024, will the Federal Reserve announce a reduction in the upper limit of the Federal Reserve's target range for the federal funds rate?

Started Sep 17, 2024 08:00AM UTC
Closed Nov 07, 2024 08:01AM UTC

Expectations for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates in the latter half of 2024 have risen as inflation and the US labor market have cooled (Yahoo [Fortune], Axios, Yahoo Finance). Conditional announcements (e.g., if the labor market deteriorates, if inflation falls) would not count, and the date a cut would take effect is immaterial. The target range for the federal funds rate is set by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). Its November meeting is scheduled for 6-7 November 2024. As of 16 September 2024, the last time the Federal Reserve announced a cut to the US federal funds target range was 15 March 2020 (Federal Reserve). The question will close early upon an unscheduled announcement of a reduction.

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The question closed "Yes, a reduction of 0.25% or less" with a closing date of 7 November 2024.

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Possible Answer Correct? Final Crowd Forecast
Yes, a reduction of more than 0.50% 2%
Yes, a reduction of more than 0.25%, but no more than 0.50% 11%
Yes, a reduction of 0.25% or less 68%
No 19%

Crowd Forecast Profile

Participation Level
Number of Forecasters 181
Average for questions older than 6 months: 181
Number of Forecasts 569
Average for questions older than 6 months: 529
Participants in this question vs. all forecasters average

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