What will be the value of the FAO Food Price Index for October 2025?

Started Oct 04, 2024 05:00PM UTC
Closing Nov 01, 2025 07:01AM UTC

Global food prices have fallen from record highs hit following Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022, with lower prices for cereals, meat, and sugar offsetting rises in the cost of dairy and vegetable oils in August 2024 (US News & World Report). The question will be suspended on 31 October 2025 and the outcome determined using nominal data reported by the FAO for October 2025, expected in early November 2025 (FAO, see table near bottom of page). As of the launch of this question, the value for the Food Price Index for August 2024 was 120.7. To download historical nominal data, click "Excel: Nominal and real indices from 1990 onwards (monthly and annual)" under "Download datasets."

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Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours Change in last week
Less than 102.0 2.20% 0% +0.90%
At least 102.0, but less than 108.0 2.70% 0% +1.50%
At least 108.0, but less than 114.0 5.10% 0% +2.30%
At least 114.0, but less than 120.0 13.60% 0% +0.90%
At least 120.0, but less than 126.0 29.00% 0% -5.00%
At least 126.0, but less than 132.0 30.40% 0% -6.60%
At least 132.0, but less than 138.0 8.80% 0% +1.70%
At least 138.0, but less than 144.0 5.00% 0% +2.40%
144.0 or more 3.20% 0% +1.90%

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