Gonzalo-bilbao-la-vieja asks:

How many US dollars will be deposited in private bank accounts in Argentina as of 30 December 2024?

Started Oct 11, 2024 05:00PM UTC
Closing Dec 30, 2024 08:01AM UTC

President Javier Milei has pushed for a "dollarization" of the Argentine economy, including a push to encourage greater private deposits of US dollars in its banking system (Yahoo [Bloomberg]). The question will be suspended on 29 December 2024 and the outcome determined using 30 December 2024 data as first reported by the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA). Click "https://www.bcra.gob.ar/Pdfs/PublicacionesEstadisticas/dep2024.xls" to download an xls file with the data. In the file, find the sheet named "Sector_privado." The pertinent data are under "DEPOSITS AND LIABILITIES OF AND WITH THE PRIVATE SECTOR IN FOREIGN CURRENCY, daily series (1), balances in millions of u$s," specifically "Total" under "Of cash" under "Deposits" (which is Column CW as of the launch of this question). As of 10 October 2024, the total amount of foreign currency balances in US dollars on 19 September 2024 was reported as $23,730 million, or $23.730 billion. A static version of the file downloaded with the pertinent data highlighted in green may be downloaded by clicking here: https://goodjudgment.io/docs/BCRA_dep2024_Macro-enabled_File_Downloaded_8_October_2024.xlsm.

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Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours Change in last week
Less than $25 billion 4.40% -0.30% -2.20%
At least $25 billion, but less than $30 billion 45.70% +4.30% +2.10%
At least $30 billion, but less than $35 billion 19.00% +2.80% +1.70%
At least $35 billion, but less than $40 billion 12.40% -1.80% +3.70%
At least $40 billion, but less than $45 billion 8.90% -3.10% +0.40%
At least $45 billion, but less than $50 billion 6.90% -1.40% -0.60%
At least $50 billion, but less than $55 billion 1.90% -0.50% -2.50%
At least $55 billion, but less than $65 billion 0.70% 0% -1.80%
$65 billion or more 0.10% 0% -0.80%

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