How many total Northern Land Border Encounters will be reported in the US from January 2025 through June 2025 by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP)?

Started Oct 11, 2024 05:00PM UTC
Closing Jul 01, 2025 07:01AM UTC

While people illegally crossing the US border with Mexico has become a major issue in the 2024 US presidential campaign, illegal crossings of the US border with Canada have also jumped substantially in recent years (NPR, Newsweek). The question will be suspended on 30 June 2025 and the outcome determined using data as reported by CBP for the calendar months of January 2025 through June 2025 once data for June 2025 are first reported (CBP, set "Choose Region" to "Northern Land Border"). As of the launch of this question, CBP reported a total of 100,148 encounters in the US northern land border between January 2024 and June 2024.

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Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours
Fewer than 54,000 0.70% -0.41%
At least 54,000, but fewer than 72,000 1.90% -0.32%
At least 72,000, but fewer than 90,000 4.70% +0.03%
At least 90,000, but fewer than 108,000 12.80% +1.02%
At least 108,000, but fewer than 126,000 54.30% +1.08%
At least 126,000, but fewer than 144,000 5.90% +1.01%
At least 144,000, but fewer than 162,000 13.00% -1.22%
162,000 or more 6.70% -1.19%

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