Will the head of state or head of government of India next hold a bilateral meeting in person with the head of state or head of government of Pakistan before 24 November 2025?

Started Oct 18, 2024 05:00PM UTC
Closing Nov 24, 2025 08:01AM UTC

While hopes for a potential bilateral meeting among Indian and Pakistani leaders on the sidelines of a 2024 Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit did not pan out, regional leaders continue to push for a thaw in relations (US News & World Report, Al Jazeera, The Week (India)). A meeting held virtually (e.g., video call) will not count. The location of the meeting is immaterial so long as leaders are in the same room. A meeting held in concert with another event (e.g., UN summit, state visit) would count so long as a meeting is held with the leaders among themselves and their own respective entourages, and a meeting involving the head of state or head of government participating in an acting capacity due to the position being otherwise vacant, including due to incapacitation, will count.

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Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours
Yes 11.29% -2.63%
No 88.71% +2.63%

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