tabhuth_ asks:

What will be the closing market capitalization of Berkshire Hathaway on 30 June 2025?

Started Oct 18, 2024 05:00PM UTC
Closing Jun 30, 2025 07:01AM UTC

Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway reached a market capitalization of $1 trillion in late August 2024, the first non-tech company to do so in the US (CNBC, Investopedia). The question will be suspended on 29 June 2025 and the outcome determined using data as reported by CNBC (Google Finance - Berkshire Hathaway Class A, see "Market Cap").

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Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours
Less than $710 billion 0% -0.77%
At least $710 billion, but less than $790 billion 1.00% -1.08%
At least $790 billion, but less than $850 billion 2.00% -1.38%
At least $850 billion, but less than $910 billion 12.00% +0.31%
At least $910 billion, but less than $970 billion 13.00% +0.77%
At least $970 billion, but less than $1.03 trillion 28.00% +2.77%
At least $1.03 trillion, but less than $1.09 trillion 21.00% +0.54%
At least $1.09 trillion, but less than $1.15 trillion 13.00% +0.46%
At least $1.15 trillion, but less than $1.21 trillion 7.00% -0.92%
At least $1.21 trillion, but less than $1.29 trillion 2.00% -0.62%
$1.29 trillion or more 1.00% -0.08%

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