How many workers in the US will be involved in any work stoppages in 2025, according to the Labor Action Tracker (LAT)?

Started Oct 25, 2024 05:00PM UTC
Closing Jan 01, 2026 08:01AM UTC

Union strikes in the US have been on the rise in recent years (CNN, ABC News). The question will be suspended on 31 December 2025 and the outcome determined using annual report data as first published by the LAT for 2025, expected in the first quarter of 2026 (LAT). For 2023, LAT reported 470 total work stoppages in 2023 involving 539,000 workers, up from 424 work stoppages in 2022 involving 224,000 workers (LAT - Annual Report 2023, LAT - Annual Report 2022).

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Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours
Fewer than 200,000 75.00% +60.71%
At least 200,000, but fewer than 340,000 12.50% -1.79%
At least 340,000, but fewer than 480,000 7.50% -6.79%
At least 480,000, but fewer than 620,000 2.50% -11.79%
At least 620,000, but fewer than 760,000 2.50% -11.79%
At least 760,000, but fewer than 900,000 0% -14.29%
900,000 or more 0% -14.29%

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