The Economist asks

Before 1 October 2017, will it be announced that the Large Hadron Collider has found evidence of "sparticles?"

Started May 16, 2017 05:00PM UTC
Closed Oct 01, 2017 06:59AM UTC

A crucial hypothesis in physics, supersymmetry posits that each of the known fundamental particles has a partner particle, known as a "sparticle." The Large Hadron Collider at CERN, Europe's particle physics laboratory, has yet to discover evidence of sparticles (The Economist, The Economist). Confused? Check our FAQ or ask us for help.
There were no announcements of the Large Hadron Collider finding evidence of "sparticles." This question closed as "No," with an end date of 1 October 2017. See our FAQ to learn about how we resolve questions and how scores are calculated.
Possible Answer Correct? Final Crowd Forecast
Yes 0%
No 100.00%

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