Before 1 January 2018, will the UN Security Council hold an emergency meeting in response to new suspected use of chemical weapons in Syria?

Started Jun 06, 2017 05:00PM UTC
Closed Dec 30, 2017 07:59AM UTC

The Syrian regime has been accused of using chemical weapons against their own people (Arms Control Association). The April 2017 sarin gas attack on a hospital in Idlib province prompted an an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council (Aljazeera, ABC). Confused? Check our FAQ or ask us for help.
The UN Security Council did not hold an emergency meeting in response to new suspected use of chemical weapons in Syria. This question closed as "no" with an end date of 1 January 2018. See our FAQ to learn about how we resolve questions and how scores are calculated.
Possible Answer Correct? Final Crowd Forecast
Yes 0%
No 100.00%

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