Will negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) be completed before 1 January 2016?

Started Oct 27, 2015 05:00PM
Closed Dec 31, 2015 11:00PM (9 years ago)

RCEP is a regional trade agreement between Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) members and their free trade agreement partners. (http://www.fta.gov.sg/press_release%5CFACTSHEET%20ON%20RCEP_final.pdf ). The completion of the Trans-Pacific Partnership has increased pressure to finalize the deal (http://www.cnbc.com/2015/10/14/tpp-deal-pressures-rcep-trade-talks-in-busan-china-keen-for-progress.html ). Resolution requires that the negotiators reach an agreement. Ratification by the parties to the agreement is not required.
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Yes 0%
No 100.00%

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- - - Correct answer became the crowd's highest probability answer - Oct 27, 2015 10:44AM PDT (65 days before close, question was 0% complete)
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