How will Iran rank in the World Economic Forum’s 2016-2017 Global Competitiveness Index?

Started Dec 8, 2015 06:00PM
Closed Sep 28, 2016 05:00PM (8 years ago)

This question was closed on option D ('Above 75') with a closing date of 28 September 2016. Iran ranked 76th in the 2016-2017 Global Competitiveness Index (World Economic Forum). In the World Economic Forum’s 2015-2016 Global Competitiveness Index, Iran ranked 74th among 140 countries (World Economic Forum 1, WEF 2). The reports are typically released in September. This question will be scored using the ordered categorial scoring rule. For more information, see the FAQ. Recommended Questions Will the government of Venezuela or Petroleos de Venezuela S. A. (PDVSA) default on their foreign-currency debt before 1 March 2016? Will the expanded Panama Canal open to shipping before 15 May 2016?
Possible Answer Correct? Final Crowd Forecast
In the top 50 0%
Between 51 and 60, inclusive 6%
Between 61 and 75, inclusive 83%
Above 75 11%

Crowd Forecast Profile

Participation Level
Number of Forecasters 332
Average for questions older than 6 months: 181
Number of Forecasts 1394
Average for questions older than 6 months: 529
Participants in this question vs. all forecasters average

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