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Think Again with Adam Grant

Sep 1, 2021 07:01AM (3 years ago)

The Think Again with Adam Grant Challenge asks you to make predictions about current topics and then utilize the concepts from his recent book to open your mind and challenge your thinking. Through this Challenge you will experience the benefits of updating your opinions in a prediction environment with rapid, objective feedback.

Participants in this challenge who answer the survey here will be included in a mailing list where they will receive tips from Adam Grant and Superforecasters Jean-Pierre Beugoms and Kjirste Morrell, both of whom are featured in the book. If you forecast at least 10 questions, you will also receive a free forecaster feedback report.

Finally, high-performing participants will be eligible to receive book prizes. The top forecaster in the challenge will receive a selection of five nonfiction titles on Adam’s 2021 book list, along with a copy of Think Again. Three additional forecasters will receive copies of Adam’s best-sellers Think Again, Originals, and Give and Take

To learn more about the Challenge, please click here.

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