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I busted out early in the aviator/astronaut category due to eyeballs and height. I was able to compensate somewhat with an automotive analog. You can't see the 427 hood very well and the duplex on the right was where we ran a Sunday afternoon poker game.

For the record, I never thought the earth science and technical money questions were worth the time. Oil is a sufficiently crooked game that you can trust a benchmark price to be right.

Any chance you can tell if this is Ravenmoon?

I liked your previous quote a lot: A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it. It works on many levels and it's a bit of game theory too.

made a comment:

Ravenmoon always struck me as a brunet, nevertheless I will give that photo a thumb’s up. Inasmuch as that works for me too. I will have to send her an email to check in with her, maybe she still has the email address we used at MIT 1&2 and GJP 3&4. Still I think she went to work with HSI after finishing her MBA

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, although the original version of the line appeared in B. Traven's novel The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1927) then popularized by John Huston's 1948 film adaptation of the novel, which was altered from its content. Most individual only know it from the 1974 Mel Brooks film Blazing Saddles,

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That's part of what made Blazing Saddles so funny. Same for Young Frankenstein/Frankenstein/Bride of Frankenstein, but that was an era when people still went to the movies.

The only email I had is kaput. My best guess is she went to work for a company in Virginia Beach that's in the IC. I've forgotten the name now. What is HSI? She was working on FEMA certs in GJP4 and she's ghosted her linkedin.

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The office of Homeland Security Investigation

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Thanks - I was able to figure it with a little noodling

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